Sometimes,it is just easier to give in and say yes to a snack. It gets pretty exhausting to keep saying no, either because you want to cut weight or for whatever other reason.Snacking is not a crime and like everything else, if done right can become part of a healthy routine.
The most important thing to remember is this; snack on things that are filled with real food and nourishing ingredients that will leave you both energized and happy. We are all after a good taste.Making snacking sweet and healthy is therefore an ultimate hack. Besides, who said healthy eating has to be tasteless and boring.
Here is a list of nutritionally fulfilling snacks you can have at those moments you feel you need something in between meals.

Made by fermentation of milk. As opposed to sour milk, it’s fermentation is controlled by regulating temperature and type of bacteria used to ferment it while Sour milk happens by accident, that is by leaving fresh milk in a warm environment over 24 hours. Yogurt is good for your body as it provides lots of needed nutrients including vitamins,proteins and fats. It’s also very good for your gastrointestinal system (stomach and intestines) as it contains the Good type bacteria needed for healthy digestion.
Yogurt and honey
Most manufactured yogurts have lots of artificial sugars. This are unhealthy and reduce the health benefit of taking yogurt. A good alternative would be to buy natural yogurt and add honey to it. This recipe has been used for decades and helps promote the taste of natural yogurt, for some of us with a sweet tooth.
Popcorn is a great snack.

Its impressive that popcorn is not junk food but whole grain in its self. Popped corn! And to mix it up a little, you can add some butter to it or some cheese. As long as it’s not mixed with a lot of sugary junk, popcorn is a perfect in between meals. For movies, study or a chill day indoors with friends.
Fruit smoothie or fruits.

Fruits are filling, full of so many nutrients,they have good fiber content and are sweet to taste. They make the perfect snack! You can take a fruit at a time, which is the recommended way by nutritionists or you can make a Fruit salad with a couple of fruits. Blending fruits for a smoothie is also a great alternative! It’s pretty fun and easy to blend up fruits and try different flavors.
Raisins as a healthy snack
So good as a light snack. Raisins are dried grapes in small packets. Used for cakes and meals like rice. They are rich in iron, good for teeth and taste great.
Hard-boiled eggs

Perfect source of protein and nutrients. You can pre boil and put in the fridge and warm when you need. Or you can boil one on need, it does not take long to have them ready. You can try this with a salad.. (tomatoes,onions,green pepper) or with avocado. Hard boiled eggs taste good with guacamole.
Home make cookies or mandazis
The beauty with home made meals is that you can put in whatever you want to. Choose natural spices and ingredients to make your cookies or mandazis. Bananas make a great mix, raisins go well too with baking.
Potato fries or banana fries

As a meal mainly, but are also good to munch on esp with a salad on top. You can try baking this too that is baked sweet potatoes, Irish Potatoes or raw bananas.
Nuts make a great snack
They contain a high amount of protein and other micro-nutrients. They contain lots of fiber and good for the teeth too.
A Piece of cheese;
Cheese is mostly made up of protein and fat and is a good source of calcium. Tastes great too!
Banana flitters
These are cookie sized pancakes with a slice of banana in the middle. You can mix up any other spices in including chocolate chips.

Apples and peanut butter dip;
Gives a mix of bitter sweet taste.If the peanut butter is too thick, adding some natural yogurt, it helps lighten it and also add some flavor.
Frozen fruit Popsicle

This are a great healthy and delicious substitute for sugared up ice cream.
Half of a sandwich
It provides a good combination of carbohydrate protein and vegetables or even a fruit if possible. Whole bread is great for this since it is more healthy and filling.