What is a health Landscape

There is increasing evidence that integrated care improves child related quality of life and reduces health service use. However, there is limited evidence on family perspectives about the quality of integrated care for children’s services. This study aimed to understand children, young people, and caregivers’ perceptions of a new integrated care service, and to identify essential components of integrated care for children and young people with ongoing conditions.

About Preventive Health

There is increasing evidence that integrated care improves child related quality of life and reduces health service use. However, there is limited evidence on family perspectives about the quality of integrated care for children’s services. This study aimed to understand children, young people, and caregivers’ perceptions of a new integrated care service, and to identify essential components of integrated care for children and young people with ongoing conditions.

What nutrition is all about

There is increasing evidence that integrated care improves child related quality of life and reduces health service use. However, there is limited evidence on family perspectives about the quality of integrated care for children’s services. This study aimed to understand children, young people, and caregivers’ perceptions of a new integrated care service, and to identify essential components of integrated care for children and young people with ongoing conditions.

How To Live a Healthy Lifestyle

We all want a long and energetic life. As you may already know, this needs a little bit of effort. You may have read all those magazines and journals about how to live a healthy lifestyle. And every time you try, you keep slipping back to the old unhealthy ways. Perhaps they gave many instructions or prescribed recipes that you couldn’t afford.

MEAL PLANNING and why its important

Meal planning is the art of using food to satisfy the nutritional needs of individuals. Meal plans are also used for groups. They are modifiable to suit cultural habits; health status, social-economic status and even tailor-made for those with unique food needs e.g. allergies. Meal planning offsets time scarcity and encourages home meal preparation, which improves diet quality and body weight status. Meal planning has been associated with a healthier diet and less obesity cases, as proved by research. Whether you are trying to lose weight, or just improve your diet, meal planning is an easy step to help you Read more…

Diabetes,what you need to know.

What is Diabetes Mellitus? Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease that affects your blood sugar levels. Diabetes comes about in two different ways. The first is when the body does not produce enough insulin. The second is when the body cells develop resistance to insulin. The overall result is lack of proper regulation of blood sugar levels. Insulin is one of the hormones that regulate blood sugar levels. Its role is to lower the levels of glucose in the blood. By doing so, it ensures that your blood sugar level remains within the optimum limits for normal body functioning. The Read more…