Sometimes,it is just easier to give in and say yes to a snack. It gets pretty exhausting to keep saying no, either because you want to cut weight or for whatever other reason.Snacking is not a crime and like everything else, if done right can become part of a healthy routine. The most important thing to remember is this; snack on things that are filled with real food and nourishing ingredients that will leave you both energized and happy. We are all after a good taste.Making snacking sweet and healthy is therefore an ultimate hack. Besides, who said healthy eating Read more…


It during such times that we may easily overlook healthy living. Being at home throughout the day gives you time to snack every hour. Oversleeping and overeating are practically the norm.
Before it is too late, you need to think about the importance of staying healthy all the time. Whether you are working from home or at the office, your body still needs that tender loving care which is best provided by healthy living


Your brain controls your life. Your thoughts, ideas, perspectives, decisions and attitudes all come from your thought process, both the conscious and subconscious. This make up your daily life.One of the best self care steps is to take care of your mental health. Here are some  steps that have proven to be helpful. Being intentional with positive thoughts about yourself. It has been scientifically proven that we have more negative than positive thoughts. If we are not aware of this, negative thoughts can encompass our minds and end up ruining our peace. Your mind cannot tell the difference between a Read more…

CHOLESTEROL, good or bad.

Cholesterol is important in the making of hormones , vitamin D synthesis and substances that help you digest food .High levels of cholesterol intake  lead to excess weight and obesity . This has several harmful effects to our bodies. one of them is the risk of developing heard disease. 

IMMUNITY ; What its about and how to boost it

 Immunity Immunity is a balanced state of having adequate ability to defend oneself against disease. The immune system contains a network of cells and proteins that defend the body against infection. It keeps a record of every germ it has ever encountered so it can recognize and destroy it quickly if it enters the body again. It also functions to destroy old dysfunctional cells, and works against anything within our bodies that it deems foreign or harmful. There are three types of immunity. This includes: The Innate immunity; this we are all born with. It offers us general protection. For Read more…

Healthy eating habits as you self isolate.

By Nutritionist Mary Muthoni EMAIL; It is now one month and some days since the first Covid -19 case hit our country .It has been a very difficult time for most Kenyans because some have lost their jobs while others have had salary cuts. All this leading to a lot of devastation with most us are asking ourselves what the next couple of weeks and months will look like. As we follow the rules of hand washing, keeping a social distance, proper cough manners, wearing facemasks properly when in public, avoiding gatherings and crowded places and finally staying home Read more…


Epilepsy is a diagnosis made by a doctor after examining a person experiencing recurrent unprovoked seizures.A seizure is an abnormal electrical activity within the brain that results in abnormal body functions. It’s important to note that not all people who have ever experienced a seizure are said to have epilepsy. Up to 10% of people worldwide experience a seizure or two during their lifetime. There is a criterion that doctors use for the diagnosis of epilepsy hence the importance of having a person experiencing seizures examined by a qualified medical doctor. Good thing is  that most of those who are identified Read more…